
Video Release! Women’s Health and the Effects of Hypersomnias

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MAY 2021 IMPORTANT ADDENDUM: This article and its associated video presentation is now outdated. In May 2021, Hypersomnia Foundation released updated content based on this presentation. Please see the following links for updated information:

For both men and women, having a rare sleep disorder and managing its treatment is a challenge. But for women, it can be especially complicated. As they make decisions about contraception, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and other issues unique to women, they must also take into account how the symptoms of their sleep disorder and the medications they take for it might affect these choices.

Last June at the Hypersomnia Foundation’s seminal conference in Baltimore, Isabelle Arnulf, MD, PhD, gave an expansive presentation on this topic, drawn in part from her own clinical experience and research.

Having authored more than 150 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, Professor Arnulf is one of the world’s leading experts on all forms of hypersomnia, including narcolepsy, idiopathic hypersomnia, and Kleine-Levin syndrome. She is also a Professor of Neurology at the Sorbonne Universités, and head of the Sleep Disorder Service at the Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital in Paris, France.

Dr. Arnulf is the past-president of the French Sleep Society, and currently serves on the Medical Advisory Board of the Hypersomnia Foundation. See her complete bio and learn more about our MAB HERE.

And check out HF’s video library HERE!

Dr. Arnulf’s presentation video is made possible through the generosity of our donors. Help us continue to share and disseminate advances in IH research; every donation is important!

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