
A Message From Diane Powell, Hypersomnia Foundation’s Board Chair/CEO

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In the spring of 2020, as the Covid-19 lockdowns began, we at the HF counted ourselves very fortunate that the Foundation has always minimized operating costs by working remotely and relying on a volunteer Board. Still, we lamented cancelling our conference in Philadelphia, worried about the stress the pandemic would put on our community, and we understood that donations would likely drop as people took care of each other and their neighbors.

With all these things in mind, we began our fall fundraiser with minimal expectations, and were so touched and awed by the generosity of our supporters. Those who were able to give did so, and many gave extra, telling us they were aware that, this year, others were unable to give. In the end, we shattered our goal not once, but twice, and raised over $46,000!!!

On behalf of all of us at the Hypersomnia Foundation, THANK YOU so much for supporting our mission. We’re looking forward to a great year, with a renewed sense of urgency and purpose to get everyone with rare sleep disorders #BeyondSleepy!

Warmest wishes for a brighter 2021 –

Diane Powell

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