How to filter our directory of healthcare professionals

You can use our filters to find a healthcare professional who meets your specific criteria.

  1. To start filtering, click on the arrow next to the word “Filters”. This will expand the filter box to show you your options.

Expanding filter options

  1. Choose a “Healthcare professional type”. The default is set to “Sleep doctor”.

Pre-defined filters

  1. Choose a location. You must first choose a country, then a state or province, then a city. But you don’t have to choose all 3. For example, if you want to search all of Ohio, choose “United States of America” for the country, choose “Ohio” for the state, and do not choose a city.

Location filters

  1. You can also filter for “Hypersomnias treated”, “Adults or children treated”, or “Healthcare professional speciality or type”. For each of these filters:
    1. If you do not select an option, the filter is ignored.
    2. If you select one or more options, then the filter will display professionals who meet any of the selected options. For example, if you select “Idiopathic hypersomnia” and “Narcolepsy” from the “Hypersomnias treated” filter, the table will show professionals who treat either idiopathic hypersomnia or narcolepsy or both.


  1. If you would like to clear your filters and start over, click the red x next to “Clear filters”.

Clear filters

  1. To use text search instead of filters, simply type your search term in the “Quick find” box. All other filters will be cleared and ignored.

Quick find bar